Tagged: ideas

Networking part I: why bother? 0

Networking part I: why bother?

Networking is one of those things that people know they should do, but at the same time, they dread it more than anything. I have even gone so far that I decided to do...


Workplace of the future

I recently read “The Employees” by Olga Ravn. It is officially a science fiction book, which takes place in the not-so-distant future, yet quite a bit of distance away from the Earth. It is...


Teaching, coaching, mentoring, and leading

When I first got interested in leadership, I was not sure I understood what do leaders actually do? I was following various leadership gurus on their social media. I knew that leaders do not...



Certain jobs are difficult to start and grow into. For example, leading others. You are expected to know different aspects of the tasks done in your team, demonstrate confidence, know the answers, but not...